Workplace- Missional Opportunity for Your Church

Image result for missionalDid you know that by the time your people retire from their job they will have spent approximately 90,000 hour in the workplace? While at the same time, if they attended church regularly they will have spent approximately 5,000 hours in church. This means for every 1 hour spent at church they spent 18 hours at the workplace. In order to fulfill the Great Commission, we cannot ignore the workplace. Please consider how the workplace can become a missional opportunity for people in your local church!

  1. Awareness… present in a creative way short vignettes (text or visual) that arouse people’s thinking about work… how much of life is spent there, and how our ultimate fulfillment in our job is found in God’s greater purpose. This could also be used to highlight how your church is incorporating the workplace as part of our missional perspective.
  2. Instructional provide lessons/materials that lay a foundation for people to build their work life upon. Teach them how God views their work, and provide practical examples how they can become God’s influence in their workplace as they naturally intersect with the people and situations there.
  3. Recognition… publicly commission and pray over those who have completed a prescribed course or materials and who are intentionally committed to living out God’s high calling at the workplace. In doing this, the church will acknowledge their calling at the workplace as a mission field of equal value with those who are called to go to foreign mission fields.
  4. Support providing ways for people to network on a regular basis, to share and discuss their challenges and issues at work, as well as offer biblical solutions and guidance. This time would also be used as a time of prayer and encouragement, specifically focused on work related needs.
  5. Reporting collect and publish testimonies or give opportunities for people to share these publically, so others could hear what God is doing through the people in your church to influence the work culture in our area. Also, during the annual mission emphasis, include the workplace as part of the mission outreach of this church. 

Let us know how we can help your church… It’s what we do!

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