Preparing People…

“God in Work” seeks to help people understand how their spiritual and professional life work as one. The Christian faith gives work its greatest purpose, and in the most practical ways. Our training gives people the opportunity to gain a greater perspective of a Biblical view of work and see how in practical ways this is lived out at work. This four-session training is facilitated in the following settings:

Our training gives people the opportunity to gain a greater perspective of a Biblical view of work and see how in practical ways this is lived out at work. This four-session training is facilitated in the following settings:

Business Settings: We provide training for employees, employee groups, and leadership that bring awareness and insight of God’s design and purpose of work, by encouraging consistency and quality to how we do our work and bring value to our relationships at work.

Church Settings: Our training provides foundational tools and a game plan on how the people of your church, who spend 37% of life at work, can extend your church’s ministry and mission. Our full training can be presented at churches and retreats. We also offer a condensed message that can be used for church services.

Christian Universities/Schools: Our training is presented in classroom settings to prepare the current and upcoming generations for how their professional life fits into God’s bigger picture of bringing His influence and impact to the people in the workplace.

Specialized Meetings: Our training can be customized to address certain groups which deal with specific issues and concerns regarding the workplace. Work issues and ways of engaging amongst employee groups will be addressed through the lens of a Biblical worldview.

Resources: Our website provides articles as well as a Weekly Thought about the workplace; by signing up you will receive it regularly. Testimonials are also posted for you to review.

For information on how we can accommodate you, please contact us by email us.

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Preparing People

“God in Work” seeks to help people understand how their spiritual and professional life work as one. The Christian faith gives work its greatest purpose, and in the most practical ways. Our training gives people the opportunity to gain a greater perspective of a Biblical view of work and see how in practical ways this is lived out at work. This four-session training is facilitated in the following settings:

Business Settings: We provide training for employees, employee groups, and leadership that bring awareness and insight of God’s design and purpose of work, by encouraging consistency and quality to how we do our work and bring value to our relationships at work.

Church Settings: Our training provides foundational tools and a game plan on how the people of your church, who spend 37% of life at work, can extend your church’s ministry and mission. Our full training can be presented at churches and retreats. We also offer a condensed message that can be used for church services.

Christian Universities/Schools: Our training is presented in classroom settings to prepare the current and upcoming generations for how their professional life fits into God’s bigger picture of bringing His influence and impact to the people in the workplace.

Specialized Meetings: Our training can be customized to address certain groups which deal with specific issues and concerns regarding the workplace. Work issues and ways of engaging among employee groups will be addressed through the lens of a Biblical worldview.

 Resources: Our website provides articles as well as a Weekly Thought about the workplace; by signing up you will receive it regularly. Testimonials are also posted for you to review.

For information on how we can accommodate you, please contact us by email us.