Creating Connections: Forming Group/Network

When Christians connect and form a network/group in their work-culture it is an opportunity to mutually support each other and to extend God’s concern to the people and situations at work. It’s more than a special interest group of Christians focusing on their interest… Rather it is a group of Christians jointly showing their support and interest in the people, responsibilities and operations of work.

Creating a group or network in your work-culture… here are 3 things to consider: 

  • The Formation: steps you can take to join with others to create your unique network connection/group.
  • The Focus: attention given to understanding the purpose and function of your network/group.
  • The Fruit: evidence that will visibly demonstrate how people experience your core values and beliefs.

How can we help you?…
Meet Scott, he has over 30+ years of experience of connecting people and leading groups in the work culture. He is a GodinWork Coach who offers his helps to people interested in forming a network/group and maintaining it. Connect with Scott to learn more, or to ask him questions… HERE!

Special Note: We do not charge a fee nor do we have a sales strategy. If you have been encouraged and better equipped through our efforts, and would like to contribute, let us know. Regardless, we are willing to help you in this wonderful journey.