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Religion and the Workplace

We are being told that we should not mix #religion and #work. On top of this there are people who are fighting to pass a religious #freedom act, which actually seeks to remove any trace of faith and religion out of the public sector. Does this mean that people who hold to faith or spiritual consciousness should somehow leave it at home when they enter the workplace? Could faith or religion have any benefits for the company, and if so what would they be?

Here in the US there are laws (Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of l964) that protect the rights of any employees who hold certain faiths and religious consciousness. Of course, it states that any activity that comes from this should not put undue burden on the employer.So, how can people of faith be an asset to their company? Certainly, this would all depend on what a religious faith believes and teaches about work… something I would encourage you to look into. However, a person who holds to a faith that teaches them that their work has significance to God, and that they should be respectful, honest, trustworthy, and work diligently, would most likely be beneficial to the company. But realistically, they could also be a #threat to employees who resort to being lazy, disrespectful, or even steal time and materials from the company. Company leaders should recognize that people with a kind of faith that encourages its followers to excel in the way they do their job will be motivated to do their work for reasons that exceed the company’s incentive. Yes, faith can be beneficial and bring a positive dimension to the workplace!

Now speaking from a Christian point of view, Christians are taught not to separate God from their work life. This connection between the two is inherent in the Christian’s faith. Faith at work is not about simply inserting religious activity into the workplace. Christians who believe that work originated and was designed by our Creator, bring to the job a bigger view of work than even that of their company. They will see their work as an assignment to participate with God. They believe what God says…that by doing their job first and foremost wholeheartedly as unto Him, they will serve God by doing their best for company. This does not conflict with their job but enhances it. Sadly though, there are Christians who view work as an inferior calling one that makes it trivial and insignificant to God.

The Christian world view teaches that God gave humans the responsibility to be creative and develop things from the resources He has provided.In the opening chapters of the Bible God tells the first two humans that He created everything for them to enjoy and have dominion over it. The word “dominion” carries the idea of being responsible and resourceful in utilizing the resources available to them in the world. Humans have done this in some wonderful ways… by creating educational programs, public utilities, governing structures, laws, health resources and the list goes on. The coordination and maintaining of such efforts is understood by the Christian faith to be a service both to God and humans. Just consider the aviation/airline industry you work in. Within the last century alone it has made colossal advancements to help us in the way we travel.

However, when humans disregard God, they distort His design of things. Work is one of those things that has been distorted, by greed, selfishness, and enslaving people. Though work has experienced abuses over time, its origin and purposes are clear and have not changed… it is a good thing that was designed and authorized by God. This gives dignity to workers and their work.

Written by Paul Curtas

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