Forces at Work

We often use the word “workforce” to describe a number of employees working together to carry out a specific activity in a company. Together their cooperative efforts accomplish a bigger purpose than our individual responsibilities. For instance, a flight leaving Atlanta and going to Munich requires a coordination of employees and equipment. This workforce is made up of people in flight operations, ground people, mechanics, airport/gate agents, baggage handlers, and finally cabin and flight deck crews, all of which work together to carry out this purpose.

Image result for workplace bullyingDo you realize that there are also other forces constantly working around you in your workplace? I don’t mean the company workforce, but spiritual forces that are trying to form your attitude and actions toward a purpose quite contrary to the Christian faith? It can happen when employees around you join together to show their disgust over the company, toward a supervisor, or maybe toward an employee with a troubling life, or maybe even you. Their joint coordination is like an energizing force around you creating a general attitude or response toward a person or a company policy. Some Christians think that if they just ignore such things, or distance themselves, it will eventually go away and not affect them. But this is furthest from the truth. (more…)

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