Building His Church Out in the World

To say that our world is changing is an understatement. We have witnessed major shifts politically, technologically, religiously, economically and morally. It should lead us to ask how Christ is building His church in these days. At one time, Christianity influenced most of the western world. Some countries have the imprint of Christianity woven throughout their early history. The Christian faith was considered at the center of society, bringing an influence on local culture and national policy. The laws made in some of these countries reflected the belief in an infinite personal God who they saw as actively a part of their origin and national affairs. The church flourished under these conditions. It gained wealth and political weight, and at times it used these to build churches, schools for training, and benevolent organizations like hospitals and orphanages to help those in need. However, at times it also used these to build a power base to become a controlling force in society. There are some who saw this dominant persuasion as God’s means of building His church and kingdom in the world.

As power increased for the church, Christianity began to be identified more by culture and politics than by true authentic faith. It no longer was viewed as a faith common to all people of different nationalities and different cultures, but instead you were a Christian because of your birth and nationality. With its powerful influence, the (more…)

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