Fulfilled or Empty Life?

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It has been said that there is a Godshaped vacuum in the heart of every human. God made humans this way to remind us that only He can fill our life with meaning and purpose that ultimately fulfill us. And when we ignore or reject God we end up trying to find this by filling our lives with temporary things and momentary pleasures. These eventually become like our idols, where we end up sacrificing our own integrity, our respect for others and even sacrifice those who are closest to us. In due course we discover, even when our life is full of things, and pleasurable experiences, we feel empty and find no contentment and meaning for our life.

There is an interesting story in the book of Jeremiah, where the prophet Jeremiah is talking to people who had known God, but decided to pursue things, not God, to define their life. He likened these people to being thirsty, those needing water to sustain their life. Jeremiah illustrated two sources available. (more…)

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Contagious Fellowship

Imagine for a moment that you’re on a company assignment in a city far from home and your work project has unexpectedly been extended for a few more weeks. Not knowing anyone in the area, you feel stranded. Thus you go online to look for a church nearby. You locate one not too far from your hotel and decide to visit it. When you arrive at the door, you are warmly welcomed. The service starts and you sing along to familiar songs; then the pastor shares an encouraging message from God’s Word. Afterward a few people invite you to lunch, where you end up sharing with each other how God is working in your lives. As you go back to your hotel room, you think to yourself…It seems like I’ve known these people for a long time, almost like family.” God designed fellowshipfor this very purpose.

How is “fellowship” formed? Is it something short lived or something that is developed over time? The word “fellowship” carries with it the idea of our sharing something in common with others… being partners who participate in each other’s lives. (more…)

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