Chain Reaction at the Workplace

In his first Epistle, the Apostle Peter gives us some of God’s practical wisdom on how to live and operate in conditions caused by chain reactions (1 Peter 3:8-11). Because our natural instinct tends toward self-preservation and retaliation, apart from God’s grace, we’re inclined toward entering a chain reaction. It is natural for us to respond to someone’s harsh words with our own harsh words or to make accusations about those who are accusing us. This kind of pattern creates chain reactions among coworkers and supervisors that only multiply and intensify the problem. God’s instructions begin by telling us to break the chain reaction in our response. How?


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The Christian Worldview

How can I make sense of a Hurricane, Terrorist, Pandemic or even the airline industry in such a distressed condition?  Do you know that each person lives with a worldview that tries to answer questions like these?  So what about your worldview?  Whether a person can define it or not, or whether it is accurate or not, a worldview is like glasses…

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The Greatest Fear of All…

The news focusing on the latest statistics about the Corona-virus and where it may be heading next has captured the attention of millions around the world. We hear how many are being infected by it, and sadly, how people have died from it. All this is having a paralyzing effect on many. This is not only impacting the lives of people personally,…

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CIU Business School

Another great time at Columbia International University this last week. I spoke twice to Students in the Intro to Business Class on God's perspective on Work and their work-life. Great group...and had a great time. #ciu Also met with students and faculty while I was there. This guy is George Huff, a 3rd year Business student and leads the Fellowship of Christian…

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Korean Translation coming

Sung & Paul FCAP Leaders Conference 2018 Two years ago a Korean guy, Sung C, who is pilot in a US airline, came to our training... he attended both seminar 1 & 2. We have enjoyed our friendship with him and our partnership in Christ. He told me that the materials have really encouraged him... and so much so that he asked…

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Fall Meetings…

On October 17th we were at the FACCS convention in Florida. I did a workshop for Christian Teachers and Administrators on "Preparing Student with a Biblical View of Work" At the beginning of on Nov 2 we had a meeting with our FCAP people in Stuttgart, Germany... it was a great time. Then I spoke the next day, Nov 3 in the…

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