CIU Business School

Had an incredible time at Columbia International University #CIU this last week, Wednesday through Friday. So encouraged with these students eagerly grasp God's design for their work life. Taught 4 Business Intro classes and then Friday did the Business School Seminar with over 140 business students and faculty. I thank God for the Business School faculty, Amy, Wayne, and Scott and what…

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Spanish Seminar Has Start

Group Picture Diego Instructing at first Spanish training in Colombia SA On August 14 & 15, the Spanish book and workplace training had its start in Latin American- Colombia SA. It was facilitated by our Spanish Coordinator- Diego Morales, and 55 people complete the training seminar. We look to God to expand this to more people in the Latin world.

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How God Gives Value to Work

How would you answer this question: “How is God being glorified through your job at the workplace?”  It is a tension that Christians seem to grapple with. What does God think about your work?   For that matter, what does He think about work period? The idea of work either came from God’s character, or you must prove to God that your work or workplace is somehow worthy of His approval. There are two extremes people seem to gravitate toward in trying to figure this out.


One extreme leads people to think that God gets greater glory through your work to the extent of your ability to achieve success and gain status in it. It goes like this… the more you (more…)

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The Rock Church Miami

We had a wonderful time at the Rock Miami, on Friday and Saturday talking with it's people about God in their work and workplace. Also, we introduced the newly translated and printed Spanish version of the book. What a wonderful group of people...they were very engaging. Also enjoyed reconnecting to friends, one being the pastor Freddy Perez... we went to College together…

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CIU Business Class

Had another wonderful time speaking at the Intro to Business Class to student at Columbia International University about God in their Work and profession... here are a few comments- "My name is Ade'jah, I am a senior at Columbia International University. We met during Mrs. Amy Dubois' class, Introduction to Business. I wanted to share with you I'm so grateful for your…

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