We are sharing story about God’s people in the workplace. Do you have a story about God working through you in your work culture?

Workplace- Missional Opportunity for Your Church

Image result for missionalDid you know that by the time your people retire from their job they will have spent approximately 90,000 hour in the workplace? While at the same time, if they attended church regularly they will have spent approximately 5,000 hours in church. This means for every 1 hour spent at church they spent 18 hours at the workplace. In order to fulfill the Great Commission, we cannot ignore the workplace. Please consider how the workplace can become a missional opportunity for people in your local church!

  1. Awareness… present in a creative way short vignettes (text or visual) that arouse people’s thinking about work… how much of life is spent there, and how our ultimate fulfillment in our job is found in God’s greater purpose. This could also be used to highlight how your church is incorporating the workplace as part of our missional perspective.
  2. Instructional provide lessons/materials that lay a foundation for people to build their work life upon. Teach them how God views their work, (more…)

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Expanding Opportunity in Europe

A few months ago we spoke to a great group of College age students and young professionals at Stammi Church in St Gallen Switerland. They eagerly engaged in talking with us about God and their professional life... and so much so that the church recently contacted us an asked us to come back in 2018 and Speak to the whole church about…

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Rebounding in Tough Situations

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God gives us some practical responses to engage when facing tough situations… walking by faith means we implement how God has instructed us. Such initial responses can prevent us from becoming embittered and cynical in difficult situations.

  1. Be Alert to Pray- when evil confronts you immediately call for help and declare our dependence on God (Ephesians 6:18-19)
  2. We should pray for our enemies and not allow ourselves to react and be overcome by their evil, but instead overcome it with good! (Romans 12:21)
  3. We should look for ways to love those who don’t love or like you. (Matt.5:43-44)
  4. We should be slow to speak and quick to listen in situations, because it is easy for our tongue to quickly say the wrong things. (James 1:19) (more…)

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CIU asked us to Train it’s Students

img-20160827-wa0001Recently Paul was ask to conduct the 4 part training entitled “On the Job… God’s Way” for the entry Business students at Columbia International University (CIU) in SC. Afterward he was asked to conduct it yearly.  Below are some of their comments…

Paul Curtas does an amazing job of helping students see how their relationship with Jesus and work intersect.  He demolishes the sacred/secular divide and demonstrates how God can use believers in the work force to be a light.  He shatters the idea that there is a hierarchy to vocations, explaining that we can honor the Lord in whatever we do. -Amy DuBois (Faculty- CIU Business School )

People in the secular marketplace will be closed off to my Christian values and lifestyle in the workplace.  Hearing from Paul Curtas really opened my eyes to the potential influence I could have, even in a “secular” workplace, such as the airline industry.  It was so helpful to have a real life example of someone who is teaching people how to love others well from a Biblical worldview, even though they are not involved in an “official ministry.”  -Eryn Marburger


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Book Comments…

2-Edition Front cover

“I got this book given as a gift and I love it! I am a Christian who works in the aluminum business and want my workplace not just to be a place where I earn money but instead where I can shine the light of Christ. So I was utterly delighted to receive a book which addresses the issues related to work and how to bring God’s Kingdom into this when God indeed shows up at work. This book also challenges me to use the time wisely and intentional. Paul M. Curtas has not only written well, but engages with the reader. Very worthwhile!” (Evi Rodemann- CEO MissionNet)


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FACCS Convention

Paul was invited to do a workshop at the Florida Association of Christian Colleges and School convention on the subject of "Preparing the Next Generation for the Workplace".  It was well attended and there is growing awareness that student next to be prepared and training spiritually for what will be a major part of their life (37%)...the Workplace.

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