Rebounding in Tough Situations

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God gives us some practical responses to engage when facing tough situations… walking by faith means we implement how God has instructed us. Such initial responses can prevent us from becoming embittered and cynical in difficult situations.

  1. Be Alert to Pray- when evil confronts you immediately call for help and declare our dependence on God (Ephesians 6:18-19)
  2. We should pray for our enemies and not allow ourselves to react and be overcome by their evil, but instead overcome it with good! (Romans 12:21)
  3. We should look for ways to love those who don’t love or like you. (Matt.5:43-44)
  4. We should be slow to speak and quick to listen in situations, because it is easy for our tongue to quickly say the wrong things. (James 1:19) (more…)

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