Habits of an Influential Life
Habits are a daily part of our lives and work life. They are said to be a routine way we practice something. We have good and bad habits. Some habits we create out of necessity, others we do for convenience. Then there are the habits that come from responsibilities of being a husband, wife, father, mother, and then, of course, the habits we have at work. In the workplace, our jobs come with set routine habits that we perform regularly. Without these habits, work would be rather sporadic with a lot of chaos. They are important disciplines we learn to operate with on a daily basis. What about spiritual habits, how are they part of your worklife? If you were asked to name some spiritual habits, besides your responsibility to work with excellence as unto the Lord, what would you say they are? Let’s imagine for a moment we are sitting in a briefing room, ready to review some necessary spiritual habits for our being a Godly influence at work. Name some that would be important. Here are three important ones to start with…