Facing our Differences

We live in a world where personal, cultural, religious, and political differences among people are being highlighted through the media daily. Most people agree that these differences exist, and that they create problems which set people at odds with one another. While various efforts are being made to address and try to solve these problems, it seems that two predominant models have…

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Wisely Disguised

Wisely Disguised Pursuit: Our Lord has given instructions about how to engage our faith in a credible yet in a careful manner. Knowing that His Disciples would be His witnesses within the hostile Roman culture… Jesus instructed them “Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.” (Matt. 10:16) Snakes are known for avoiding danger and not exerting their energy or venom before…

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The Contrast…

I heard a encouraging story this morning. Barbara is a Swiss lady who had worked for a company in Switzerland a few years ago and had left her job to work at a ministry in Switzerland. After a wonderful five years with the ministry she believed that God was leading her to leave. As she began looking for a new workplace, her…

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Precarious Conditions

Knowing your position in flying is crucial to reaching your destination in a safe and timely way. Because there are no signs posted or traffic signals at 35,000 feet up, those who fly aircraft know that without accurate instruments and communication with air traffic controllers, you cannot establish your position. This makes navigating virtually impossible, especially under bad weather conditions. When weather…

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Religion and the Workplace

We are being told that we should not mix #religion and #work. On top of this there are people who are fighting to pass a religious #freedom act, which actually seeks to remove any trace of faith and religion out of the public sector. Does this mean that people who hold to faith or spiritual consciousness should somehow leave it at home when they enter the workplace? Could faith or religion have any benefits for the company, and if so what would they be?

Here in the US there are laws (Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of l964) that protect the rights of any employees who hold certain faiths and religious consciousness. Of course, it states that any activity that comes from this should not put undue burden on the employer.So, how can people of faith be an asset to their company? (more…)

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Forces at Work

We often use the word “workforce” to describe a number of employees working together to carry out a specific activity in a company. Together their cooperative efforts accomplish a bigger purpose than our individual responsibilities. For instance, a flight leaving Atlanta and going to Munich requires a coordination of employees and equipment. This workforce is made up of people in flight operations,…

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